


FLEX条件性表达慢病毒载体结合了载体家的高效的第三代慢病毒载体系统和Cre响应的FLEX条件性基因表达载体,帮助您实现在病毒宿主基因组上永久整合Cre重组酶响应的FLEX Cre-Off基因调控开关。FLEX Cre-Off系统利用位于目的基因两侧的Lox-变体重组位点,在Cre重组酶的调控下目的基因发生反转,目的基因正常表达;而Cre不存在的情况下,目的基因不表达。

FLEX Cre-Off系统由两对异型Lox-变体重组位点组成,其中野生型序列称为LoxP,突变体称为Lox2272,分别位于ORF的两侧。 两种Lox-变体都可被Cre识别,但只有相同的Lox位点对可以彼此重组,与其他Lox-变体不能进行重组。 LoxP和Lox2272位点以交替方式位于ORF两端,每对位点互为反向。Cre重组酶不存在的情况下,客户定制的启动子可以驱动目的基因的正常表达。Cre重组酶存在的情况下,LoxP和Lox2272位点对分别重组,导致ORF方向反转为反向,且其中的一对重组位点将具有相同的方向,Cre会介导产生正向重组切割,继而分别留下一个不同的重组位点。ORF方向的反转,使得目的基因无法正常表达。由于ORF侧翼是两个不同的Lox-变体位点,所以即使存在Cre也不会进一步发生重组。

慢病毒载体首先以质粒的方式构建并使用E. coli扩增,然后与多个辅助质粒一同转染至包装细胞。载体上的两个LTR区域之间的DNA序列将被转录成RNA,而辅助质粒表达的病毒蛋白进一步与这些RNA组装形成完整的病毒颗粒。有活性的病毒颗粒被释放到上清液中。病毒上清液可直接转染或者浓缩后转染细胞。

当病毒感染靶细胞时,病毒RNA被反转录成DNA,然后永久性整合到宿主基因组。位于两个LTR区域之间的FLEX Cre-Off开关连同其他病毒基因组组分永久整合到宿主基因组。在Cre重组酶的介导下,自定义启动子调控下的目的基因的反转ORF编码方向从而实现目的基因的表达沉默。



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FLEX Cre-Off条件性表达慢病毒载体专为在哺乳动物细胞中实现高效的目的基因调控表达而设计。目的基因受到用户自定义的启动子调节并且默认为表达,但是可以在Cre重组酶存在的情况下反转ORF编码方向使目的基因失活。




基因稳定失活: 在Cre的存在下,LoxP和Lox2272位点对分别重组,导致ORF方向永久性地转为反向,且其中的一对重组位点将具有相同的方向,Cre会介导产生正向重组切割,继而在ORF的两端留下两个不同的Lox-变体,即使存在Cre也不会进一步发生重组,使得目的基因的表达永久失活。

外源基因的稳定整合:常规质粒转染只能实现外源基因的瞬时表达,这种外源基因会随着宿主细胞的分裂而不断丢失,在快速分裂的细胞中显得尤为显著。相反的是,慢病毒转导的目的基因能稳定地整合到宿主细胞的染色体中 ,因而会随着宿主细胞的分裂而稳定遗传。

滴度高:我们的病毒载体可以包装出高滴度的病毒。我们提供的病毒包装服务,病毒滴度可以达到>109 TU/ml。在这样的病毒滴度下,如果选择合适的剂量去转导体外培养的哺乳动物细胞,则转导效率可接近100%。




安全性高:我们的病毒载体系统具备了以下两大特点,因而具有非常高的安全性。一、病毒包装和转导所必需的基因由三个辅助质粒分开表达。二、5' LTR的启动子自失活。因此,在进行病毒包装和病毒转导的时候不会产生具有复制能力的病毒颗粒,使用我们的载体对人体的健康威胁也是最低的。


载体容量受限:野生型的慢病毒基因组大小约为9.2 kb,而在我们的慢病毒载体中,病毒包装和转导的必要元件约为2.8 kb,余下6.4 kb的空间容纳客户的目的序列。当病毒载体超过以上大小限制,病毒的包装滴度将会大大降低。我们的慢病毒载体除了可以插入靶基因的序列外,还可以插入启动子和筛选标记等载体元件。如果目的基因和这些载体元件长度超过了6.4 kb,病毒的产量有可能会明显下降。



CMV promoter: Human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter. It drives transcription of viral RNA in packaging cells. This RNA is then packaged into live virus.

5' LTR-ΔU3: A deleted version of the HIV-1 5' long terminal repeat. In wildtype lentivirus, 5' LTR and 3' LTR are essentially identical in sequence. They reside on two ends of the viral genome and point in the same direction. Upon viral integration, the 3' LTR sequence is copied onto the 5' LTR. The LTRs carry both promoter and polyadenylation function, such that in wildtype virus, the 5' LTR acts as a promoter to drive the transcription of the viral genome, while the 3' LTR acts as a polyadenylation signal to terminate the upstream transcript. On our vector, 5' LTR-ΔU3 is deleted for a region that is required for the LTR's promoter activity normally facilitated by the viral transcription factor Tat. This does not affect the production of viral RNA during packaging because the promoter function is supplemented by the CMV promoter engineered upstream of 5'LTR-ΔU3 LTR.

Ψ: HIV-1 packaging signal required for the packaging of viral RNA into virus.

RRE: HIV-1 Rev response element. It allows the nuclear export of viral RNA by the viral Rev protein during viral packaging.

cPPT: HIV-1 Central polypurine tract. It creates a "DNA flap" that increases nuclear import of the viral genome during target cell infection. This improves vector integration into the host genome, resulting in higher transduction efficiency.

Promoter: The promoter driving your GOI is placed here.

Lox2272: Recombination site for Cre recombinase. Mutated Lox site with two base substitutions of wild type LoxP. Incompatible with LoxP sites. When Cre is present, the LoxP and LoxP2272 sites will be cut and recombine with compatible sites.

LoxP: Recombination site for Cre recombinase. Incompatible with Lox2272 sites. When Cre is present, the LoxP and Lox2272 sites will be cut and recombine with compatible sites.

Kozak: Kozak consensus sequence. It is placed in front of the start codon of the ORF of interest because it is believed to facilitate translation initiation in eukaryotes.

ORF: The open reading frame of your GOI is placed here, in a sense orientation.

WPRE: Woodchuck hepatitis virus posttranscriptional regulatory element. It enhances transcriptional termination in the 3' LTR during viral RNA transcription, which leads to higher levels of functional viral RNA in packaging cells and hence greater viral titer. It also enhances transcriptional termination during the transcription of the user's GOI on the vector, leading to their higher expression levels.

CMV promoter: Human cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter. It drives the ubiquitous expression the downstream marker gene.

Marker: A drug selection gene (such as neomycin resistance), a visually detectable gene (such as EGFP), or a dual-reporter gene (such as EGFP/Neo). This allows cells transduced with the vector to be selected and/or visualized.

3' LTR-ΔU3: A truncated version of the HIV-1 3' long terminal repeat that deletes the U3 region. This leads to the self-inactivation of the promoter activity of the 5' LTR upon viral vector integration into the host genome (since the 3' LTR is copied onto 5' LTR during viral integration). The polyadenylation signal contained in 3' LTR-ΔU3 serves to terminates all upstream transcripts produced both during viral packaging and after viral integration into the host genome.

SV40 early pA: Simian virus 40 early polyadenylation signal. It further facilitates transcriptional termination after the 3' LTR during viral RNA transcription during packaging. This elevates the level of functional viral RNA in packaging cells, thus improving viral titer.

Ampicillin: Ampicillin resistance gene. It allows the plasmid to be maintained by ampicillin selection in E. coli.

pUC ori: pUC origin of replication. Plasmids carrying this origin exist in high copy numbers in E. coli.
